Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cancer In The Workplace: Airborne Workplace Pollution Can Be Hazardous To Living.

Cancer In The Workplace: Airborne Workplace Pollution Can Be Hazardous To Living.
The first in our series on how workplace health and safety can cause hazards, and how to control potential problems. This article focuses on air pollution.

– by Isaac Rudik

Even though the number of previously-fatal cancers is diminishing as medicine finds effective ways of treating them, they are still a serious enough problem for businesses to consider ways of minimizing them in the workplace.

Admittedly, some exposure from sources such as UV radiation and smoke may occur in both work and non-work contexts. Moreover, there is no way to reliably differentiate between cancers in the same organ caused by different factors. Estimating the extent of occupational cancer is complex and estimates vary according to the method used. Still, it is probable that up to an estimated 11% of cancers are attributable to occupational exposure.

Still, as data collection widens and more is learned about the long-term impact of exposure to carcinogens, it is likely that within the next three-to-five years Ontario businesses will come under increasing pressure to minimize risks.

Proactive Steps

Already, businesses have a legal, pro-active requirement to eliminate workplace hazards so the regulatory framework for broadening the scope to include carcinogens is in place. Indeed, some businesses already work with stiff, cancer-related regulations: For example, printing companies using UV inks, which can cause cancer upon contact, must take steps to ensure workers are protected adequately and report incidents if they occur.

At the same time, chemicals in the workplace whether for personal hygiene or used in the workplace saturate the air. In a recent case, a worker complained about strong scents coming from co-workers. A supervisor requested a supplier provide information about a space deodorant used in lavatories, discovering a possible link between adverse negative health effects and chemicals commonly found in the space deodorants. A simple search for alternatives with fewer harmful chemicals produced substitute options to replace the more harmful space deodorant being used.

As with other hazards, ensuring that workplace exposure to carcinogenic agents does not occur is the best way to reduce occupational cancer. Options range from replacing known carcinogens to the use of enclosed systems and protective clothing.

What researchers are looking for are so-called “cancer clusters.” These happen when reporting of an unexpectedly high incidence of cancer shows up in a defined population or geographical area – such as a manufacturing plan. Some cancer clusters are suspected of resulting from occupational exposure because they are identified with workers in a particular location. Cancer cluster investigations seek to identify unrecognised exposure to known carcinogens and the adequacy of protective measures.

Avoiding Problems

With or without regulations, there are a number of practical, low-cost ways for businesses that deal with potential, cancer causing material can take:

• Ensure workers use eye and face protection if aerosols or splashes are anticipated.
• Use mechanical devices for all pipefitting procedures to prevent contaminated air from seeping into the workplace.
• Make sure that materials that may generate an aerosol is kept in suitable containment devices such as a fume hood, biological safety cabinet, or glove box.
• Capture vapors or aerosols through exhaust ventilation at the worksite, using a fume hood or biological safety cabinet.
• When moving carcinogens in hallways or corridors, make sure they are stores inside a secondary container that seals closed and is leak-proof.
• Place a door card warning at entrances to work areas.

Much of this is simply common-sense and some is already required by law. An audit of a workplace where there might be a cancer risk will reveal whether additional protection is needed.

Isaac Rudik is a compliance consultant with Compliance Solutions Canada Inc. , Canada’s largest provider of health, safety and environmental compliance solutions to industrial, institutional and government facilities.

E-mail Isaac at or phone him at 905-761-5354.

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